Create gradient color in bakcground web

There is many way to make your website look a beautiful and very good.  one of the common way is create a grdient color in your bakcground web. In this tutorial I will show you how to create it using Photoshop and Dreamweaver  software. Why should we use the both software? Well, It’s the simple answer  : because its very easy. Here are step-by-step how to create a grdient color in your bakcground web :

 # Step 1 : Work in photoshop

- open your Photoshop program and create new document with 800X600 pixels and resolution is 72 pixels/inch.

- Select  dark red color ( RGB # 9d0a0e ) for foreground color and black color ( RGB #000000 ) for background color.

- Activate the gradient tool and create the gradient color such us shown on the figur 1.

- The next, slice part of the bakground image using the slice tool. You can see the figur 2.

- After you slice the image, its time to export the image you just slice for your document web. Click File>Save for web.

- In the save for web dialog box, select the slice image using the slice select tool ( Figur 3 ). And then select JPEG high in the preset dropdown menu ( Figur 4 ).

- Save your image in your directory web ( click save button ).

# Step 2 : Work in Dreamweaver

- Open your Dreamweaver program and create new HTML document

- Click New CSS Rule icon  in the lower-right corner of the CSS Styles panel and then Create a new CSS rule for body tag.

- Go to background category.  in the background image, fill the gradient image you just created in photoshop and then click apply. Select repeat x in the repeat dropdown menu and then clik apply. Select the bakground color and then  click the bottom of image to fill background image.

If you have finished, Save your document ( CTRL+S ) and then open your HTML document with your browser.

If you have finished. The next,  save your document ( CTRL+S ) and then open your HTML document with your browser. If you doing it correctly, your web page will appear such us shown below :